
LED Lighting: A Great Way to Advertise

LED Lighting: A Great Way to Advertise

If your business is ready to upgrade its signage to a more cost-effective and energy saving solution, LED lighting is the way to go. Fluorescent and neon lighting displays have been traditionally used by many businesses. However, due to the improved technology of LED lighting, it has changed the lighting industry for the better.

LEDs unique characteristics include lower use of energy, ease of maintenance, and their resistance to breakage. Today, LEDS can be found in numerous devices such as digital clocks, televisions, appliances, and commercial signs.

LED Lighting: A Great Way to Advertise

What Is an LED?

LED stands for light emitting diode. An LED is a semiconductor. It emits light when an electrical current is passed through it.

LED Lighting vs. Neon/Fluorescent Lighting

Many businesses are opting to replace their fluorescent or neon lighting signage with LED lighting. Here are a few reasons why:

Energy Efficiency

Lower energy costs directly affect a company’s bottom line.  LED lighting can produce more than 100 lumens per watt. This translates to getting an increased amount of light while using less power. Neon lighting produces between 10 and 60 lumens per watt. More power is required to emit the same amount of light with fluorescent or neon lighting; hence higher energy costs.


Fluorescent and neon lighting are manufactured with glass parts that can break.  After hours of use, they are hot to the touch. LED lighting contains no glass or tubes. They always remain cool.  Fluorescent lighting contains mercury, which is a toxic heavy metal. The EPA suggests special handling of fluorescent light bulbs because of the risks associated with mercury exposure.

Long Life

LED lighting can last up to 50,000 hours before needing replacement. They can fully operate in most weather conditions. In contrast, fluorescent lights only last up to 20,000 hours. Also, they may not function properly in areas with high humidity.

Additional Benefits of LED Lighting

LED lighting technology is continuing to make steady improvements.  This will lead to lower costs and more effective advertising for businesses.

Light Quality

The illumination of LED lighting is a key factor in the visibility of signage.  Any time of day, customers can easily see a company’s name or logo.  The brightness in LED lights lasts longer over time, making them more cost-efficient.

Display Options

If you’re looking to attract more millennials, LED lighting provides options for a more appealing sign. The Sign Research Foundation reported over a third of consumers between the ages of 18-24 made assumptions about a business based on the attractiveness of their signage.

Display Options

Costs Associated with LED Lighting

The cost of an LED sign can vary due to size, materials, and colors.  The amount you allocate to the sign depends on how long your business plans to operate, energy consumption and maintenance.

Energy Usage

LED lighting is more energy-efficient than neon, fluorescent and incandescent bulbs. This alone makes a significant impact on energy costs.  For instance, a small 2’ x 8’ ID sign with four T12 fluorescent tube lights will operate up to 160-170 watts on average.  The LED lighting equivalent for a 2’ x 8’ sign, after retrofitting, would operate at approximately 40-46 watts with the equivalent brightness.  That is a 63% savings on power consumption.


LED lights have long lifespans which result in lower maintenance and operating costs. Cleaning is easy due to their coolness during operation. LED strip lights are resistant to water and dust. Warranties are offered by most signage companies on LED lighting. 1-year to 5-year warranties include parts and sometimes labor. Check the contract before your purchase.

Consult a Lighting Professional

For the most cost-effective and energy-efficient option, LED lighting is the best choice.  Before deciding on an LED lighting purchase, you’ll need to weigh the pros and cons of LED signage, as well as your objectives.  A consultation with a lighting professional should help with any questions and concerns.

Consult a Lighting Professional